Postdoc/PhD position on remote sensing and conservation planning in Argentina at UW-Madison, SILVIS Lab


Overview: We are offering one position involving remote sensing and biodiversity, as part of a new NASA-funded project focused on forests in Argentina.

The project is a collaboration between UW-Madison (A. Pidgeon, V. Radeloff), and collaborators in Argentina (G. Martinez Pastur, N. Politi, L. Rivera). The goals of the project are to a) derive a suite of new remote sensing indices to map forest habitats and forest phenology, b) model habitat of threatened species, and c) integrate biodiversity into regional forest land use plans.

Position: The position we are seeking to fill will focus on the first goal, i.e., the remote sensing analyses. The position ca be either for a PhD student or for a postdoc.

If hired as a PhD student, we would offer a research assistantship for three years. The appointments will be as a research assistant with a stipend of $22,427 per year plus health benefits and tuition remission.

If hired as a postdoc, we would offer an appointment as a research associate for two years. Salary is competitive and commensurate with experience and health benefits are included.

The position is available immediately, and we prefer a start date by June 1st 2019, but a start date as late as September 1st 2019 is possible.

The position will be based in the SILVIS lab ( and co-supervised by A. Pidgeon and V. Radeloff. The SILVIS lab is part of the Department of Forest and Wildlife Ecology at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.

UW-Madison has a long history of excellence in ecology, conservation biology, remote sensing, and geography. The university ranks consistently among the top research universities in the United States. Total student enrollment is 43,000 of which approximately 12,000 are graduate and professional students, and there are over 2000 faculty. UW-Madison is an exciting place to learn and conduct research!

The city of Madison ranks as one of the most attractive places in the U.S. to live and work. For information about the campus and city, please see

Qualifications: We seek candidates who work well in a collaborative setting and have excellent communication skills in English.

We welcome applications from candidates with a background in remote sensing, geography, forestry, or other related disciplines. Demonstrated skills in the processing and handling of satellite imagery, large datasets, statistical modeling, and GIS are a must. Prior experience analyzing wildlife or other biodiversity data is a plus, as are Spanish language skills, and experience working in South America.

PhD applicants must have completed their MS at the time of appointment, or need to demonstrate comparable experience. Postdoc applicants must have completed their Ph.D. at the time of appointment, and should have published first-authored papers in peer-reviewed scientific journals.

To apply: Please submit your application here:

Submitting an application includes filling out a small survey, and takes approximately 15 minutes. It requires contact information for three references, and to upload (in PDF format):

– a 2-page cover letter summarizing research interests and experiences

– a Curriculum Vitae

– unofficial transcripts (both undergraduate and graduate, compiled into one file)

After reviewing all applicants, we will ask for reference letters and official transcripts for shortlisted candidates.

The position is open to both U.S. citizens, and international citizens. UW-Madison will assist with visa applications as necessary once offers are made.

The University of Wisconsin-Madison is an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer. We promote excellence through diversity and encourage all qualified individuals to apply.

Review of applicants will begin immediately, but the positions will remain open until suitable candidates are found. Applications received by January 31st 2019 are guaranteed consideration.