
Some relevant articles for different themes which can be used as starting point:

General articles about Remote Sensing and Biodiversity and Conservation

  • H M Pereira, S Ferrier, M Walters, G N Geller, R H G Jongman, R J Scholes, M W Bruford, N Brummitt, S H M Butchart, A C Cardoso, N C Coops, E Dulloo, D P Faith, J Freyhof, R D Gregory, C Heip, R Höft, G Hurtt, W Jetz, D S Karp, M A McGeoch, D Obura, Y Onoda, N Pettorelli, B Reyers, R Sayre, J P W Scharlemann, S N Stuart, E Turak, M Walpole, M Wegmann (2013) “Essential Biodiversity Variables” SCIENCE 01/2013; 339(6117):277-278
  • Woody Turner, Graeme Buchanan, Carlo Rondinini, John Dwyer, Martin Herold, Lian Pin Koh, Allison Leidner, Peter Leimgruber, Brice Mora, Nathalie Pettorelli, Zoltan Szantoi, Hannes Taubenboeck, Martin Wegmann, Martin Wikelski NATURE “Satellites: make data freely accessible” 06/2013; 498.
  • Turner et al. (2003) “Remote sensing for biodiversity science and conservation” TREE
  • Kerr et al. (2003) “From space to species: ecological applications for remote sensing” TREE

Using specific Landcover Information (Vegetation Indices) for Biodiversity and Conservation

  • Pettorelli et al. (2005) “Using the satellite-derived NDVI to assess ecological responses to environmental change” TREE

Species richness estimate

Bino, G., Levin, N., Darawshi, S., van der Hal, N., Reich-Solomon, A., Kark, S., 2008. Landsat derived NDVI and spectral unmixing accurately predict bird species richness patterns in an urban landscape. International Journal of Remote Sensing 29 3675-3700

Palmer, M., Earls, P., Hoagland, B., White, P., Wohlgemuth, T., 2002. Quantitative tools for perfecting species lists. Environmetrics 13, 137, 121.

Species distribution modelling

Gillespie, T., Foody, G., Rocchini, D., Giorgi, A., Saatchi, S., 2008. Measuring and modelling biodiversity from space. Progress in Physical Geography 32, 221, 203.

Saatchi, S., Buermann, W., ter Steege, H., Mori, S., Smith, T., 2008. Modeling distribution of Amazonian tree species and diversity using remote sensing measurements. Remote Sensing of Environment 112, 2017, 2000.

Species turnover estimate

He, K., Zhang, J., Zhang, Q., 2009. Linking variability in species composition and MODIS NDVI based on beta diversity measurements. Acta Oecologica 35, 14–21.


Remote Sensing in Ecology

Selected books which highlight the potential of remote sensing data in ecology:


Spatial Data Analysis using OpenSource Software

Selected books which highlight the potential of OpenSource software for ecological application in general:

  • ‘OpenSource GIS – A GRASS GIS approach’
    by M. Neteler and H. Mitasova
    (Springer, 2008)
  • “Applied Spatial Data Analysis in R”
    by Bivand, Pebesma and Gomez-Rubio
    (Springer, 2008)
  • “A Practical Guide to Ecological Modelling – Using R as a Simulation Platform.”
    by Soetaert and Herman
    (Springer, 2009)
  • “Programmieren mit R.”
    by Ligges
    (Springer, 2008)
  • “The Art of R Programming.”
    by Matloff
    (NoStarch, 2011)
  • ‘Analysis and mapping of animal movement in R’
    by K. Safi and B. Kranstauber
    (CRC, forthcoming)


Reports by dedicated workshops on RS and Biodiversity/Conservation

The CEOS SBA Biodiversity Workshop in 2012 focused on the needs, shortcomings and future perspectives of remote sensing for conservation and biodiversity research. A summary and the full workshop report can be found here.

A series of 5 workshops was organised by the Cambridge Conservation Initiative (CCI) in 2011 concerning “What do conservation practitioners want from remote sensing?” The output can be found here and the summary here

CBD reports

The “Sourcebook on Remote Sensing and Biodiversity Indicators” (pdf) compiles valuable information on this topic.

UNEP reports/Atlas

A variety of reports are available by UNEP e.g. AFRICA Atlas of Our Changing Environment and further similar resources