A short course on animal track annotation, visualization & analysis using Movebank and R is offered by Roland Kays at the Natural History Museum, North Carolina, US. This NSF funded workshop on using Movebank and the Env-DATA Track Annotation Service to analyze animal tracking data in combination with environmental data is intended for graduate students or other professionals interested in relating animal tracking data to data about the environment they are moving through.

Agenda Items:

1 Movebank basics.

2 How to use Env-DATA to annotate animal tracks and simulated data.

3 How to visually explore movement data and covariates.

4 How to calculate basic descriptive movement characteristics.

5 Example simple Resource Selection Functions and discussion of advanced aspects of this topic.

more details here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/short-course-on-analyzing-animal-tracking-data-tickets-41943048788