The Zoological Society of London (ZSL) is organizing a one day event, aimed principally at advanced PhD students and early post-docs, for people interested in establishing a career in conservation.

The day will be structured around a series of talks and tasks facilitated by experts in their field, designed to promote active learning experiences and maximise networking opportunities for all.

Topics will include: applying for an academic position; understanding funding options; working outside academia; and building an online profile/disseminating research outputs.

Delegates will have an opportunity to hear about the career routes of researchers who work both in and outside academia. The event is supported by Conservation Careers (

The day will conclude with a workshop on scientific writing, led by

  • Dr Nathalie Pettorelli (who is a senior editor for Journal of Applied Ecology and Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, as well as the Editor-in-Chief of Remote Sensing in Ecology and Conservation) and
  • Linda daVolls (head of ZSL’s publication team, which coordinates the publication of Animal Conservation, Journal of Zoology and Remote Sensing in Ecology and Conservation),

providing tips on how to choose among possible journals and discussing the peer-review and publication process.

Venue is the Mappin Pavilion at the Zoological Society of London, which is located on top of Regent’s Park, in London (NW1 4RY)

Attendance to the event costs £25 (full price), or £20 for students and ZSL members

More information on the event, details on registration process and agenda can be found here